What is the Grade Economy and What's Wrong With It (w/ Robert Gressis)

February 12, 2021 01:34:48
What is the Grade Economy and What's Wrong With It (w/ Robert Gressis)
The Learning and Forgetting Podcast
What is the Grade Economy and What's Wrong With It (w/ Robert Gressis)

Feb 12 2021 | 01:34:48


Show Notes

Robert Gressis (California State Northridge) and Kevin Currie-Knight (East Carolina University) hae a wide-ranging conversation about the (fraught?) relationship between schooling, learning, and A-F grading. The discussion centers around an essay Currie-Knight wrote called Against the Grade Economy: https://theelectricagora.com/2020/12/...

00:02:36​ Rob and Kevin make small talk 00:07:01​ Kevin describes and laments the grade economy 00:36:07​ What's the relationship between grades and learning? 00:57:19​ Bryan Caplan's "The Case Against Education" and how it has traumatized Rob 01:05:58​ Unschooling 01:21:35​ If schools sucks so much, how did Rob and Kevin learn?

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