How Does the Other Half Learn (in Charter Schools)? (w/ Robert Pondiscio)

October 24, 2020 00:50:01
How Does the Other Half Learn (in Charter Schools)? (w/ Robert Pondiscio)
The Learning and Forgetting Podcast
How Does the Other Half Learn (in Charter Schools)? (w/ Robert Pondiscio)

Oct 24 2020 | 00:50:01


Show Notes

On this episode, Robert Pondiscio (Fordham Institute, author of How the Other Half Learns) discusses his experience writing about the Harlem Success Academy Charter School in the South Bronx. He spent a year immersed in this school and came away with some interesting insights - both praise and concern - about what life is like at this charter school. We talk about the role of charter schools in the education system, the merits and drawbacks of charters, the importance of school culture, and even lessons he learned about the importance of how lessons are designed and planned.

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