What Is School For? (w/ Sociologist David Labaree)

October 09, 2020 00:47:16
What Is School For? (w/ Sociologist David Labaree)
The Learning and Forgetting Podcast
What Is School For? (w/ Sociologist David Labaree)

Oct 09 2020 | 00:47:16


Show Notes

On this episode, we talk with historical sociologist David Labaree (Stanford University, Professor Emeritus) about the evolution of school in the United States and how that impacts what we think about school. What is the purpose - or really, are the purposes - of school? Why do we ensure that all kids learn a lot of things in common, whether they want to learn them or not? What are the good and bad effects of grading on how kids and teachers experience school? We discuss these and many more issues.

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