Latest Episodes

Why Do Teachers Quit? (w/ Doris Santoro)
In this episode, I talk with Education Professor Doris Santoro about why teachers leave the profession. She distinguishes between teacher burnout and teacher demoralization...

What Do Racial Disparities in Schools Have to Do with Government Housing Policy? (w/ Richard Rothstein)
On this episode, I talk with Richard Rothstein (Economic Policy Institute) about his book Color of Law: The Forgotten History of How Our Government...

How Does the Other Half Learn (in Charter Schools)? (w/ Robert Pondiscio)
On this episode, Robert Pondiscio (Fordham Institute, author of How the Other Half Learns) discusses his experience writing about the Harlem Success Academy Charter...

How Does Interest Work? (w/ Psychologist Ann Renninger)
In this episode, I talk with teacher-turned-psychologist K. Ann Renninger to talk about the psychology of human interest. How do learners (and people in...

What Is School For? (w/ Sociologist David Labaree)
On this episode, we talk with historical sociologist David Labaree (Stanford University, Professor Emeritus) about the evolution of school in the United States and...